Intelligent CIO: Bodytrak and NextNav to bring vertical location intelligence to wearable devices

Intelligent CIO recently covered NextNav’s exciting announcement with Bodytrak, and it’s impact in the wearable devices market.

By integrating NextNav’s vertical location intelligence into Bodytrak’s state-of-the-art wearables, users can now access precise vertical positioning data, opening up a whole new world of possibilities for public safety and beyond.

“With real-time automated alerts for key markers of heat stress, fatigue and unconsciousness, Bodytrak provides command centres with critical data to assess personnel needs. The integration of NextNav’s Pinnacle technology will allow for precise indoor vertical positioning to supplement indoor and outdoor geolocation, enabling efficient intervention to prevent incidents and facilitating rapid assistance. Personnel can be safeguarded through Bodytrak’s real-time alerts via a cloud-enabled dashboard, SMS and email notifications.”

Don’t miss out on this game-changing collaboration! Read the full article here.