

Any developer who uses Pinnacle API needs to consent to the Pinnacle API licensing agreement and appropriate trial/evaluation/commercial agreements.

A unique developer API KEY will be provided to the developer based on the type of agreement. This key is needed to access the Pinnacle API.

The Pinnacle API Key request can be made via NextNav Developer website here: https://nextnav.com/developers/.

Typical Use Cases

The Pinnacle API is ideally suited for (but not limited to) the following application scenarios:

  • Clients/Applications on mobile devices that don’t want to use the Android / iOS Pinnacle SDK.
  • Clients/Application running on Devices that don’t use Android or iOS (ex: IOT devices etc.).
  • Web/Server Clients.
  • Clients/Applications that require relatively slower altitude data refresh rate (slower than 1 per minute).
    • Clients or Use-Cases (like persistent tracking, mapping etc.) that require high (1 per sec, 1 per 30sec etc.) altitude data refresh rates must use the Pinnacle-SDK.