Pokémon Go™ was the first breakout GPS game. It won’t be the last. Gamers are looking for immersive experiences which use the world around them. Adding a vertical dimension unlocks a world of possibilities for game developers and fans alike.
NextNav’s Pinnacle service for vertical location delivers exciting new gameplay options and new revenue opportunities.
of smartphone time is used for mobile gaming
of app store revenue comes from mobile games
of Americans use AR games more than once a month
Differentiate your game in a crowded marketplace
As the market for gaming on mobile devices expands, the number of games is also growing. To make an impact in this highly competitive environment, game designs have to feature new and exciting user experiences. Vertical location offers a world of new possibilities for gamers to discover.
Expand your reach
3D geolocation games turn the world of real life – buildings, urban areas, underground spaces – into the backdrop for amazing experiences. 2D games are limited to public spaces and open areas.
Unleash creative possibilities
We’ve only started to dream up the ways that vertical positioning will change the world of gaming. Just think of everything you can do with a whole new dimension captured in real time!
Be on the bleeding edge
Gamers are always looking for something new. 3D gameplay sets any mobile game apart from the crowd of flat, 2D applications which rely solely on GPS locators.
Drive acquisition, retention, and monetization
The benefits of accurate vertical location in gaming are clear: better user experience, which translates directly into increased user acquisition and retention, along with increased lifetime value (LTV).
Start your free trial
NextNav makes it easy for developers to incorporate this powerful new data stream into any mobile application. Just grab a dev key in our partner portal and get started!