On September 5, 2024, NextNav filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission in support of NextNav’s Petition for Rulemaking proposing to reconfigure the lower 900 MHz band and adopt new rules to enable a terrestrial positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) network to complement and back up the Global Positioning System (GPS). 

“There could not be a more critical time to address the important need for a terrestrial complement and backup to GPS. The national security, economic, and public safety needs of America demand a reliable complement and backup to this vital technology all of us use daily. NextNav offers an innovative solution that provides enormous benefits to the public and also unleashes much-needed spectrum for 5G broadband – at no cost to taxpayers. We are eagerly working with stakeholders so the needs of consumers, public safety and our national interests are at the forefront of this important work.” – NextNav CEO Mariam Sorond

NextNav’s comments can be found here.

Below are comments from public safety organizations and a study from academia supporting this innovative proposal.

San Bernardino County Fire Protection District 

Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts

Rear Admiral David Simpson, Virginia Tech Wireless Study: A Day Without Space and a Call for Greater Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Resiliency in the United States