
The NextNav Pinnacle Service generates industry-leading accuracy for vertical positoning data (also called z-axis data) using barometric pressure and 2D location information from a device, then optimizing the positioning data with NextNav’s Pinnacle Altitude Service Network. NextNav has deployed the Pinnacle commercial service nationwide in the US, enabling FCC-compliant vertical accuracy in over 4,400 cities and towns addressing over 90% of buildings more than 3 floors high. The NextNav Pinnacle Service coverage area can be viewed at .

Important note for developers

Due to the reliance of the plugin on the device’s HW capabilities, it’s not possible to test the Plugin directly inside the Unity Editor. In order to properly build and test the SDK, the device must have a Barometric Sensor and acquire a unique developer evaluation key.

What versions of Unity should I use?

This plugin is compatible with Unity version: 2019.4.X, 2020.3.X, 2021.1.X 2022.1.X

How can I obtain a developer evaluation key?

The Pinnacle Unity SDK plug-in is available with a built-in Key to quickly get started to evaluate the Pinnacle service for trial purposes. The built-in key for trial purposes will be available for a limited time period, therefore if further testing and time is required, NextNav recommends that you request a Developer Eval-Key by visiting The Developer Eval-Key comes with additional benefits as you progress in your development cycle.

The Eval-Key is free to use for 60 days and provides 50K API requests/month for you to trial NextNav Pinnacle service.

The Eval-Key is unique for the application bundle ID for your mobile application (App-bundle-ID) or to the application ID (App-ID) of your client application.

The built-in key can be easily updated with a unique Eval-Key for your application by passing it into { SetDeveloperKey(string key) } or via the demo scene referenced on page 8 – this will override the built-in key for extended evaluation.

When you’re ready, NextNav can assist you with a commercial agreement and the associated commercial billing key (KEY) for your application.

This release is built based on Pinnacle SDK (iOS v1.2.2, Android v1.4.3.1).