Partnership provides safety and location services to assist first responder agencies in locating non-English speaking individuals across 135+ languages
MCLEAN, Va., Nov. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Convey911, the next generation 911 solution that provides a communications platform for public safety personnel to engage with emergency callers via text and multimedia messaging in 135+ languages, has selected NextNav for its mission-critical z-axis vertical location intelligence. Whether it’s a 911 caller or a welfare check for a lost hiker, location is a critical part of the 911 workflow. By integrating NextNav’s precision vertical location service, agencies using Convey911’s solution will now be able to leverage actionable z-axis data and visualization — an industry first for those who need service regardless of location or native language.
With the use of text and multimedia growing in the emergency services industry, individuals must have not only a reliable means to reach help, but also a linguistically inclusive means to do so. In a crisis, overcoming a language barrier can be a time-consuming process which impacts the ability to respond quickly. With Convey911, callers and agencies have the ability to engage in a text conversation in their native languages through a secure, patent protected web-based communications platform which eliminates the possibility of critical information being “lost in translation.”
“Our real-time location services provide a breadcrumb mapping experience for locating callers and citizens for both 911 and non-emergency scenarios,” said Jeff Bruns, CEO and Co-founder of Convey911. “And, with the ability now to add the ‘Holy Grail’ of location (z-axis) from NextNav, our agency clients will have the most precise location available in the industry for x, y, and z.”
“Having the ability to provide native-language communications for millions of Americans, particularly in times of crisis, reduces errors and provides a more human approach to serving the public,” said Dan Hight, VP of Business Development and Partnerships at NextNav. “With the increase in multi-modal communications for 911, 211, 511 and now 988, agencies do not have the resources to staff the dynamics of the changing landscape of public service. Now, with NextNav’s industry-leading z-axis service integrated into Convey911’s platform, those who need to be located in times of crisis will be, regardless of language, nationality or elevation.”
The Pinnacle network delivers precise vertical location in 4,400 cities and towns – capturing 90% of buildings greater than three stories – in the United States. NextNav Pinnacle powers applications across the public safety community to support stronger situational awareness for first responders. Earlier this year, a tier-one wireless carrier selected NextNav Pinnacle to bring z-axis capabilities to wireless 9-1-1 phone calls to enhance caller geolocation and emergency response outcomes.
About Convey911:
Convey 911 is a patent protected, web-based tool that provides a means for public safety personnel to engage in text and multimedia messaging in over 136+ languages and dialects via its easy-to-use interface, during an active request for service. An ECC can also use Convey 911 if there is a need to provide service updates during a low priority call for service in the native language of the reporting party. Citizens DO NOT need to download an app or go through a registration to send or receive messages, and ECCs do not need to purchase new hardware.
The messages that are exchanged are stored in the GovCloud for evidential purposes. Convey 911 is only accessible by law enforcement and messages may be SECURELY downloaded in the event further evidence is needed for discovery. We provide a secure end-to-end chain of custody.
For more information, please visit or follow Convey911 on LinkedIn
About NextNav:
NextNav Inc. (Nasdaq: NN) is a leader in next generation GPS, enabling a whole new ecosystem of applications and services that rely upon vertical location and resilient geolocation technology. The company’s Pinnacle network delivers highly accurate vertical positioning to transform location services, reflecting the 3D world around us and supporting innovative, new capabilities. NextNav’s TerraPoiNT network delivers accurate, reliable, and resilient 3D positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services to support critical infrastructure and other GPS-reliant systems in the absence or failure of GPS.
For more information, please visit or follow NextNav on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Gillian Smith
[email protected]