

Use of NextNav Pinnacle SDK and the Pinnacle service requires developers, and their end-users to consent to the Pinnacle Service terms of use and privacy policy along with applicable trial, evaluation, or commercial agreements. 

An SDK KEY (based on the type of agreement) is required to be used with the SDK to access the Pinnacle Service. The SDK KEY (as listed in the terms of service and agreements) is tied to a unique App based on its App-ID/Bundle-ID. An SDK KEY should not be used across multiple App-ID/Bundle-ID. 

SDK KEY requests can be made via NextNav Developer Portal account page. Access the NextNav Developer Portal here: https://partner.nextnav.com 

Supported iOS Versions

iOS 12.0 and above 

iOS Devices must support barometric pressure sensors for the NextNav Pinnacle Mobile iOS SDK to generate vertical location data. 

SDK Components

The SDK consists of the following main components to allow developers easy access to NextNav Pinnacle vertical positioning data and other features: 


SDK configuration and initialization, manage altitude calculations. 


This is an object that is used to provide the calculated vertical positioning data and related status or error codes to the host app.