Public Safety

Mission-Critical Vertical Location Powering the Third Dimension of Situational Awareness for Responder and Citizen Safety

Locate first
responders with
accurate vertical positioning

Challenge: Geolocation and Public Safety

Public Safety has been navigating a paradigm shift for the last several years, adapting to rapid changes in technology, behaviors, incident types and operational tactics.  This shift was amplified during the pandemic and unrest during the summer of 2020, placing further challenges on an already overloaded First Responder community.

With these challenges, new technology solutions have emerged, and nowhere are these solutions more important than the technology delivered to First Responders; whereas humans are relied upon to perform the most critical functions, the tools they use MUST be aware, intelligent and most importantly contribute to Responder Safety.

Solution: NextNav Pinnacle

When every second counts, precision matters. NextNav’s Pinnacle solution for vertical positioning provides a new level of situational awareness with highly accurate first responder and blue force tracking. Pinnacle’s reliable, accurate vertical location data helps incident commanders keep first responders safe and improve operational response. In addition, NextNav 3D provides a visualization to improve response time and provide situational awareness.

Benefits for First Responders

  • EMS responding to victims in multi-story or campus settings
  • Law enforcement responding to an active shooter in a multi-story environment
  • Crisis Counselors responding to mental health emergencies in urban areas
  • Firefighters in a smoke-filled building

Faster response
times save lives

  • 70%


    70% of first responders report that the maps and navigation databases they use have missing or inaccurate information

  • 80%


    More than 80% of 911 callers are on cell phones

  • 94%


    NextNav’s Pinnacle has been independently verified to provide floor-level accuracy 94% of the time

Vertical position data delivers 3D situational awareness for incident commanders

First responders often work in indoor or multi-story locations where GPS location is unavailable or inaccurate. Incident commanders who rely on GPS tracking devices to monitor first responders can find themselves “going in blind” in dangerous, complex situations.

Voice communications and “man down” detection systems are insufficient for real-time situational awareness.  Incident commanders need to understand the physical context of the scene through visualizations that are instantly digestible and reflect the world around them.

NextNav Pinnacle gets geolocation data from a dedicated network of altitude stations designed for reliable operation in urban environments. By adding altitude information to latitude and longitude coordinates, incident commanders can locate first responders right with floor-level accuracy, allowing more informed, real-time decisions that keep first responders safe even in dangerous or hostile locations.

Orchestrate more effective response strategies

Orchestrate more effective response strategies

The ability to monitor first responders as they move across floors also helps you coordinate actions to:

  • Direct safest avenues of approach
  • Maintain visual intelligence in real-time
  • Dynamically adjust response based on threats and risks
  • Engage caller or threat via 3D intelligence minimizing risk to responders

Integrating Z-axis to Emergency Services Systems

NextNav Pinnacle provides the precise, z-axis that public safety officials have called the “holy grail”. and has been selected by a top nationwide wireless carrier to provide vertical location for 911. The system provides for faster response times to save more lives and independently proven to offer ±3m accuracy 94% of the time, exceeding FCC requirements.

  • Caller Location

    + Vertical Height

  • Ingress

    Incoming 911 calls

  • Egress

    Location data to Public Safety

  • Device Integration

    Dispatch and First Responder Apps

Managing incoming 911

Leveraging the power of the Pinnacle network through our SDK or API, agencies will be able to begin to ingest and display vertical location for incoming 911 calls.  Choose from a number of options such as textual, 2D or full 3D – NextNav ensures flexibility so the experience is in the hands of our partners.

Gain actionable vertical data intelligence that is disseminated and visualized as “Height Above Terrain” (HAT) as well as “Height Above Ellipsoid” (HAE) for the most precise z-axis location in the industry.

Z-axis for responders

NextNav’s Pinnacle service empowers dispatch and incident management solutions through the same robust set of APIs and SDKs which, once integrated, provide end users with the power of mission critical vertical location, in 2D or 3D tactical formats, without changing the software systems they’ve invested in.

By knowing where personnel are, command gains optimum situational awareness of the environment and reduces risk to those ultimately responding, a benefit to both the physical and mental well-being of those involved in the response.


Pinnacle features

Vertical location data with +/- 3 meter accuracy

Add altitude awareness to latitude and longitude data for more precise location of people and assets

Network of altitude stations

Precisely surveyed, high density network that delivers “floor-level”, real time altitude data nationwide

Network maintained by NextNav

Pinnacle data comes from by a proprietary network built for public safety, operated and maintained by NextNav for high availability

Metro-wide coverage

Consistent vertical location capabilities available throughout large urban markets; no need for building-specific infrastructure

Works with most existing and new devices

Available through a simple software upgrade to devices with barometric pressure sensors

Multiple integration options

Easy-to-use SDK, API, and Unity plug-in options make it easy to integrate 3D geolocation technology into existing applications

Add vertical location
to your app

Empower your agency with actionable, real-time location of responders – at any level.
NextNav makes it easy for you to incorporate this powerful new data stream for any application. Contact NexNav today to get started!

Webinar: Powering the Future of Geolocation – NextNav’s Z-Axis & 3D Partner Solutions

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